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The pipeline logs

Json support

For purist, there is a Json output available with pipelight logs --json.

The default log output is the following pretty tree output.

Pipeline status (global status)

A pipeline can be either running, succeeded, failed or aborted.

Other existing status are for internal purpopse and are only discussed in the source code.

Running status is when a pipeline execution isn't finished yet.

Succeeded status is when a command of the pipeline normally succeeded with an exit status.

Failed status is when a command of the pipeline normally failed with an exit status (as opposed to aborted).

Aborted status means that something unexpected interupted the pipeline execution.

It can be due to:

  • a ressource outage.
  • a linux signal like SIGKILL or SIGTERM.
  • a Ctrl-C on a running attached pipeline.
  • litteraly everything that can abrubtly stop a process execution (coffee on keyboard, angry mother...)

Corrupted logs

Corrupted logs are rare but can occur on unsanitized aborted pipelines log files or on a concurrent Read and Write operation.

They are actually removed from the log output (with a discrete warning message). I am working on a way to recover them when possible and flag them as corrupted.

Verbosity levels

A pipeline has 5 verbosity levels.

Error level (default)

The first level displays global informations.

  • pipeline status
  • date it was triggered at
  • environment in which it was triggered, which includes:
    • branch, or tag name if the project has a git repository.
    • action that triggered the pipeline execution
    • the commit number if the project has a git repository.
  • pipeline name
  • whole pipeline execution time

Warn level (-v)

The second level shows additional informations about the inside of the pipeline. it adds:

  • steps names
  • steps execution time

Info level (-vv)


  • command list (process stdin)
  • command execution time

Debug level (-vvv)

Diplay the command output

  • stdout on success


  • stderr on failure

Trace level (-vvvv)


Some tools such as linters, docker, nixos... usually print their activity/logs to stderr. You may want to use the trace level log to checkout your command progress.

Displays every command output.

  • stdout
  • stderr

Some processes default output on stderr, and doesn't display much on success. This log level is practical if you want to see what happenned or what happens:

  • when you run tests (cargo run tests)
  • when you linte files (deno lint)
  • on a docker command (docker build)

Raw logs (Json)

Logs are stored in your project root directory in the .pipelight/logs folder in JSON format. You can checkout raw logs directly by inspecting the generated files or with the following commands:

pipelight logs --json | jq
pipelight logs --json | jq -C | less
pipelight logs --json | jq
pipelight logs --json | jq -C | less

Other commands

You can inspect logs by pipeline name.

pipelight logs <pipeline_name>
pipelight logs <pipeline_name>

Keep a colorful output in pagers.

pipelight logs --color always | less
pipelight logs --color always | less

Print colorful raw json logs in pagers (debugging)

pipelight logs --json | jq -C | less
pipelight logs --json | jq -C | less

Prune/Remove logs

As of today, no log rotation has been implemented. The best way to remove corrupted logs or to clean the log directory is with the following commands.

pipelight logs rm
pipelight logs rm

Which does not erase the log of running pipelines.

rm -rf pipelight/logs
# pkill pipelight
rm -rf pipelight/logs
# pkill pipelight

Which erases every log files.