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Why another CICD tool ?

CICD: Stands for Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery/Deployment, aims to streamline and accelerate the software development lifecycle. from redhat

Deeper convictions

Knowing with which philosophy the software was built will for sure help you understand many architectural choices.

Born from the following philosohies:

The software telos

As of today, the majority of CICD software are cloud native and unflexible behemoth, the current landscape lacks solutions for self-hosted, easily replicable deployments.

The open-source world direly needs a tool to deploy and share virtuous project faster. CICD shouldn't be a luxury. We need a solid free common ground to elevate FOSS.

I don't do it because I like it. I do it because we need it now.

Pipelight ultimate goal is to be a community owned ubiquitary solution for automation.

The software nindo (The path taken to achieve)

To reach this goal pipelight follows some crucial guidelines:

  • keep execution fast by remaining minimal (suckless)
  • distribute lightweight binaries (for fast installation)
  • transparent in its logs and error messages
  • being and remaining open-source
  • community driven

The Automation for everyone

Pipelight should be the fastest and least painful solution to set up if you want to automate things.

There is many ways ones can achieved automation, and Pipelight chose to leverage bash, the every programmer common ground. Therefore, Pipelight integrates well with every existing tools.

If you are a bash guy, it will bring simplicity to your scripts. If you do devOps stuffs, it will bring flexibility to your pipelines.

Whatever your skills in programming are, automation should be accessible. It would result in project early automation implementation for you to focus only on the code that matters.

Bypass the classic harsh automation path


The solution that pipelight brings is to improve existing shell scripts.

We usualy seek automation because we face repetitive thus painful tasks of varied nature. So we go down the automation road:

  1. Edit a shell script

    vite build
    rsync local_files to_my_remote_server
    vite build
    rsync local_files to_my_remote_server

    [+] Bash is quick to set up, and very appealing when scripting simple tasks.

    [-] Bash syntax isn't easy. It lacks primitives/structures like Array, Object, Map... It can quickly become unreadable as it get complex.

  2. Then, write a python script

    [+] More readable.

    [-] It is too specific - not reusable between projects without many efforts.

  3. Finally, set up a CICD pipeline with its entire ecosystem

    [+] It's easy to reuse pipelines. Has logging.

    [-] Resource and time consuming to install and configure a full solution.

On the automation road, Pipelight comes right after the shell script(1) in term of simplicity, while doing the heavy lift of a CICD ecosystem(3)

  1. Shell script
  • Pipelight
  1. Python script
  2. CICD ecosystem

Technical choices

Why Typescript over already wide spread TOML/ YAML ?


For flexibility and reusability

Usual configuration optimised languages (TOML/ YAML) are not easy to tweak.

Variables, structs and loops don't exist natively in those languages. Consequently, these features depend on the automation tool that implements them, resulting in a different syntax for each tool.

kind: pipeline
type: docker
name: default
  - name: greeting
    image: alpine
      - vitest
      - vite build
kind: pipeline
type: docker
name: default
  - name: greeting
    image: alpine
      - vitest
      - vite build

To create another version of this pipeline with slightly different env variables, the pipeline has to be completely cloned, which goes against reusability and convenience.

Typescript to the rescue

The most flexible way to write a configuration file is finally to write it in a programming language. Tailwind, Vite and many other web frameworks have already taken down this path.

Pipelight is about executing bash strings so, it needed a popular language well suited for string manipulation, with an appealing syntax and an as soft as possible learning curve.

Typescript was indeed well-suited for this mission. It really shines when it comes to do simple things.

Why not another programming language ?

Internally, pipelight calls the language interpreter to generate a Json Object and pass it to the rust code. Since a language can generate Json, Yaml or Toml, it can be used to generate pipelines interpretable by pipelight.

In short, every language can be used to generate pipelines.

Why only a cli ?


To remain lightweight and familiar.

Pipelight is made for efficency. As of today it's a single executable that weighs under 13Mb.

It has the minimum required functions for a cicd tool and delegates features to the already widely spread specialized softwares:

  • Git for software versioning and event detection.
  • Linux for security and access rights.

In consequence, it is blazing fast.

Pipelight has also been built with comfort in mind.

Most developers only feel soothed when in front of a terminal emulator. Pipelight avoids the disconfort of leaving the terminal by exposing a standard minimal cli.

Why not container native ?

There actually is helpers to enable container support if you don't want to implement a custom solution yourself.

Pipelight intend to run wherever bash runs. It should by default permit the execution of nude pipelines for:

  • constraints environment that can't afford containers.
  • atomic tasks like one line scripts that usually resides in package.json.